A company's values are the moral and societal principles on which it bases its development and strategic decisions.

In order to define the Group's values, the directors decided to let their employees have their say.

The employees' reflections gave rise to 5 values representative of the companies' convictions.

People: People are our priority. We foster a corporate culture where diversity is a strength, and where every employee can flourish and contribute to collective and lasting success.

Excellence: We are proud of our know-how and our reputation as experts in each of our businesses. Together, we develop our skills to meet the highest standards, right down to the smallest detail.

Boldness: We like to push back the limits, to experience exciting opportunities and, thanks to a constant process of innovation, to develop tailor-made, creative and high-performance solutions.

Entrepreneurial spirit: We cultivate curiosity, the courage to give and take responsibility, with determination and perseverance. The desire to create is our driving force.

Respect: We act with honesty, sincerity and kindness within the Group and towards our partners. Our integrity is reflected in our daily actions and decisions. It guides our behavior and our interactions with everyone.


The 5 values have been reflected and studied by the RC ACADEMY 2023